Changing Lives. Inspiring Action.

Altamira Ranch Enhancements

Altamira Ranch near Fusa (Fusagasugá), about 50km from Bogotá, is one of two facilities that provide residential care for up to 24 children in immediate danger from neglect, abuse or violence.

Children at serious risk are identified through a community based nutrition programme, which serves families living in three marginal neighbourhoods of the city. The project’s full time social worker helps families address the underlying causes of abuse and neglect, which may be related to domestic violence, drug abuse and alcohol.

Where crisis placements are needed to keep children from harm, children maybe admitted to the residential facility for a period of usually two years initially, while their family situation is addressed through social workers. A psychologist is also employed to assist children overcoming abuse. All children are enrolled in local schools to further their education.

The children’s sleeping patterns are beginning to detoriate due to poor sleeping conditions. The project saw the provision of new bedding and mattresses for all of the children at the Ranch.

Fast facts

Country Details
Project Location
: Colombia
Capital: Bogotá
Population: 45.2 million
Below the Poverty Line: 37.2%
Children in Education: 5.08 million
Adult Literacy: 90.4%
Unemployment:  10.8%

Project Details
: 2009
Focus: Community
Impact: 39 people over 5 years

Donation Ratio:

: IM Ministry to Children