Changing Lives. Inspiring Action.

Muthurajawela Farm Micro-Finance Programme

TVF acquired acres of overgrown marsh land to create the Muthurajawela Farm. The farm was architected with a pond and various site for animals, poultry and the villagers responsible for the facility. The primary objective of this investment was to allow the villagers of Lines Wella to pay a proportion of the operational costs of the facilities provided by TVF in the Gampaha Re-generation programme and in particular help eleven entrepreneurs gain a steady income.

TVF provided micro-finance to the villagers who acquired goats, cows and hens to facilitate the production of milk and eggs, which would be sold to the local dairy or through local shops. TVF believe that one additional benefit is that the children from the village will gain nourishment with milk and eggs becoming readily available.  The funds will be paid back at an 8% interest rate.  The interest TVF makes from this programme together with a percentage of the profits made from the village entrepreneurs will be used to pay for the villagers’ new education and recreational facilities, providing them with a sense of ownership and control of their own destiny.

Fast facts

Country Details
Project LocationSri Lanka
Capital: Colombo
Population: 21.5 million
Below the Poverty Line: 8.9%
Children in Education: 1.7 million
Adult Literacy: 91.2%
Unemployment:  21.3%

Project Details
When: 2009
Focus: Community
Impact: 55 people per year

Donation Ratio:
